Your neck is expected to do a lot for you in almost all of your everyday activities. You can look over either shoulder, you can look straight up, straight down, and even touch your ear to your shoulder. These movements can put an excessive strain on the muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons in your neck making us vulnerable to neck pain. In some cases the strain from the neck muscles can even cause headaches.
Don’t let neck pain become ‘normal’ for you. We can help!
Dr. Pray will evaluate the cervical spine to determine if the cause of your neck pain can be relieved with chiropractic care, stretches, strengthening, postural tips and/ or therapy like electric stimulation.
In many cases, neck pain will resolve in just a few visits. In some cases, where time or excessive repetitive movement has led to degenerative conditions in the spine, it may take a few weeks to begin to see the results of care.
Some types of headaches can be effectively treated with conservative chiropractic care. After taking a thorough history, and performing an exam Dr. Pray will give you an honest, realistic assessment of your prognosis. We can usually begin treatment the same day.
You will always get the best care available at Mid Iowa Chiropractic, and our goal is always to get you to your goals as quickly as possible. You will always be kept in the loop as to why we’re doing what we’re doing, and what to expect.
Don’t wait, call us today!